Back from a wonderful long weekend in New Orleans with some friends. The Marriott was lovely as always and Voodoo Fest was as eventful as ever. Not my favorite lineup this year, but did see Jane’s Addiction, Flaming Lips, Kiss, Lenny Kravitz and Eminem(if you like that sort of thing.) Took Tuesday off to recover and back at it hard for the remainder of the week. So here we go… Guided Mr. Walter Kelly this morning over in East Bay. Dropping and clear water made for excellent sightfishing conditions. We saw alot of fish and caught alot of fish. Changed it up today and went to the Gulp! Ghost Shrimp rigged weedless on Owner Twist-Locks to catch the majority of our fish. Blindcasting in deeper areas with 1/4oz. Johnson Gold Spoons also produced some quality fish. We also got the opportunity to test out the new Penn Conquerer 4000’s. These are incredible reels!! Long casts, very smooth drags and some of the best reels I’ve used. Check them out! Sorry forgot the camera,...
Read MoreQuick trip after cancellation-October 29, 2009
Had an emergency cancellation this morning at Redfish University, so I decided since I was already there, I’d might as well go fishing. My clients didn’t miss much and will be pleased that the fishing will be much better next week. Covered some water for a few hours and caught some decent fish but I really had to work for them. The fish were there(I know this because I could see them, smell them and see the puffs) but perhaps the neap tide had some influence on them although I never worry about fishing on neap tides. As demonstrated today, they will bite, you just have to make them bite. Ended up with 4 Redfish, some trout and another small striper all released and caught in a two hour period. All caught on Gulp! 3″ Shrimp rigged weedless with a rattle insert. Very, very, very, very slow taps, then almost...
Read MoreRedfish University welcomes Marsh Works-October 27, 2009
Redfish University would like to proudly welcome Marsh Works to it’s arsenal and commitment to providing it’s clients with the best saltwater experience imaginable. The long and frustrating search is over for quality jigheads, spinnerbaits and popping corks. Marsh Works products are the absolute best I have used and my clients continue to be incredibly impressed by their quality and durability. The Marsh Works Bull Red jigheads are ideal for my favorite Gulp! 5″ Jerkshads and Gulp! 4″ Shrimp. The longer hook shaft really makes the difference and produces an unparalleled hook-up ration. The Marsh Works Big Poppy and Buzz Pop Corks are awesome for locating and attracting redfish and trout in all conditions and the Marsh Works spinnerbaits are the most well constructed and durable baits I’ve ever seen! Please checkout and try Marsh Works for yourself. Don’t just settle for “good enough” when Marsh Works offers the best available!! Please click on a photo to...
Read MoreThe Redfish University Difference-October 26, 2009
Another way Redfish University separates itself and rises above the rest is through extensive preparation. Redfish University makes a huge effort to provide it’s clients with the best possible chance of catching excellent numbers of redfish. This means prefishing, and this Sunday and Monday were no exception. Weekly, these two days are designated to allow Redfish University to locate the largest numbers of redfish possible to insure its clients receive the highest quality experience possible. Redfish University is an instructional guide service and, for the most part, it’s curriculum will remain seasonally constant and will provide its clients with the absolute best knowledge and techniques available. The one variable that continues to change and, will forever be unpredictable, are wind, weather, tides, temperatures, etc. This is where Redfish University rises above the rest and places its clients on the most fish, everytime. The last few days of prefishing proved that there are decent concentrations of fish in very few places. Last week, I am very confident that the areas we covered were the most populated areas with the most cooperative fish. We know where we will be this week and we also know where we won’t be. These were productive days. See everyone soon. Eric...
Read MoreRedfish, Trout, Flounder and Stripers at Redfish U.-October 24, 2009
Guided Mr. George Converse and his friend from Birmingham this morning. These guys were excellent anglers and really fun to fish with! I was a little concerned with the passing front, the high pressure and the west wind, but we really caught alot of fish today. With all species being pretty sluggish today, we focused on very,very slow retrieve techniques, boat positioning for optimal casting angles and the use of worm rattles in our Gulp! 5″ Jerkshads rigged with 1/4oz. Marsh Works bull red jigheads. We found plenty of redfish and trout on some wind-blown banks and creek drains. We also picked off some nice trout and flounder in some open-water areas with uneven bottom. To our surprise, 2 small striped bass were brought to the boat. Bait presentation and rattle was the key today. We focused on areas where there were good numbers of fish and used a “tap, tap, tap, stop” retrieval which proved to be too much for the fish to handle. Lots of bites on resting baits, pick-ups and falls which indicated these fish were following and interested, but just needed to smell the Gulp! All together we stuck 12-15 Redfish of all sizes, 15-20 trout from 12-17″, a 3# flounder and 2 striped bass. A great day under difficult conditions. Please click on a photo to...
Read MoreThese are the incredible companies that have made me so successful in professional tournament fishing and provide my clients at Redfish University with the world's best and latest in saltwater fishing gear. Please visit Eric Holstman's Pro Staff pages on all sponsor websites.
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