Guided Mr. Bob Willice this morning. With some pretty decent success with the pompano last week and over the weekend, we hit the beach for some pompano fishing. Covered almost three miles of beach without a bite or a pompano sighted. Very inconsistent pompano fishing lately. Hit some redfish and Spanish mackeral on the way back. Also sight fished a few redfish inside the bay on some shallow flats. All fish caught on Berkley Gulp! Jerkshads and all fish released. Bob and I will hit the pompano again next Tuesday or Wednesday. Bob WILL catch some pompano from the boat on artificials!! Please click on an image to enlarge and view...
Read MoreHigh expectations today at Redfish University-April 12, 2010
Guided a tough crowd today for a little prefishing in some areas that I haven’t fished in a long time. Brought my dad and brother who always expect an epic morning with me in any conditions. The last of the neap tide again today, but we found plenty of redfish, trout and flounder. Redfish were tough, trout nearly every cast and saw plenty of flounder including a nearly 4# fish caught by young Wesley. All fish caught on Berkley Gulp! Jerkshads. Kept some nice flounder and trout for dinner. Please click an image to enlarge and view...
Read MoreRedfish University is your only choice for shallow water redfishing!!Massive bookings late April-mid May at Redfish U. so book now!-April 11, 2010
Redfish University is your only choice for shallow water sight fishing for redfish and large speckled trout with the exclusive use of artificial baits. Redfish U. offers the guaranteed lowest rates on the Gulf Coast with Full Day rates at an incredible $350.00. You catch nothing, you pay nothing. Guaranteed. The new Yamaha 250 SHO is mounted, can exceed 72 mph and is ready for work. At Redfish University, April and May are shaping up to be an extremely busy timeframe. With packed weeks of guiding from Panama City, FL. to Hopedale, LA., space is beginning to be very limited. Redfish U. has now opened weekends to provide more space for the large number of interested shallow water anglers. No matter your location or the location you would like to target, this Spring will be offer incredible opportunities for the sight fishing enthusiast. Come experience what Redfish University does best and the absolute BEST in Gulf Coast shallow water fishing. Space is limited so book now!! See everyone...
Read MorePainfully slow but very nice redfish(14.5# again!) at Redfish University-April 10, 2010
Guided Dr. Jay Erickson this morning. Neap tides today but at Redfish U. we expect to catch any fish within casting distance. Doctor’s hours require Sat/Sun trips and today the weekend angler traffic was thrilling. Arrived at our first area very early and was able to stuck some quality redfish and trout before the warriors arrived. Trailered the boat to a new, more isolated location and also found a very slow bite although we managed a 7.5# under 27″ fish. Sightfished the shallows for the rest of the morning with a few redfish taken but they were really difficult. Jay and I will hit them again in a few weeks for a makeup trip since I thought the day was unsatisfactory. All fish taken on Berkley Gulp! Jerkshads rigged with Marsh Works jighead and Johnson 1/4oz. Gold Spoons. All fish released. Please click an image to enlarge and view...
Read MoreShallow redfish at Redfish University-April 9, 2010
Guided Mr. Bob Willice this morning. I’m guiding out of the Maverick 17HPX for a week or so, so we decided to go shallow and stick some redfish. Started out on a very shallow flat and found redfish everywhere. Some fish were cooperative and some were not. Eventually found that the fish in around three feet of water were ripe for the taking. Stuck some very nice fish as well as few nice speckled trout. Also, saw a speckled trout that was over 7 pounds but the smaller(2.5#) trout ran down the bait. Bob also had an epic redfish strike right next to the boat. The 30″ fish was chasing the bait as Bob worked it to the boat. He slowed the bait down and the fish did a head-stand and inhaled the Gulp! 5″ Jerkshad. It was a classic view from the poling platform that I will remember for a long time! Anyway, Bob’s next adventure involves the challenging pompano in a few weeks. All fish caught on Berkley Gulp! Jerkshads and Johnson 1/4oz. Gold Spoons. All fish released. Please click an image to enlarge and view...
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