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Redfish University speckled trout, redfish, tripletail and permit. Off to London!!-July 28-Aug 1, 2012

Just smashed the fish for the last four days and ready for immediate departure to the 2012 Olympics in London. Catching 30-50 great speckled trout per trip, 5-10 quality redfish, some tripletail and even a permit in East Bay!! All fish caught on Sebile Bongas, Berkley Gulp! and Johnson Gold Spoons. Lots of fish released but many anglers will take some fish for dinner. Back August 9 and a full month of outstanding Redfish University trips. Thank you again Redfish U anglers!! E...

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A speckled trout and redfish beatdown at Redfish University-July 27, 2012

Well, the fishing continues to be outstanding here at Redfish University. This morning’s clients administered an absolute beatdown on the large speckled trout and redfish. Started with topwaters early to produce several speckled trout in the 3-5# range with some really nice 25-27″ redfish in the mix. We continued to toss Sebile Bongas until around 730am and just smashed both species on shallow flats. We didn’t need to measure any fish this morning for the cooler as nearly every speckled trout was over 20″ with several 23-25″ specks and one 7#, 31″ monster that enhaled a Berkley Gulp! Jerkshad on a shallow bank. The redfish were also extremely cooperative this morning with some great fish in the 24-30″ range on both topwater and Gulp! Found a few 25# jacks on the flats that unfortunately pounded our topwaters resulting in a 20 minute fight. A waste of time, but fun nonetheless. Our anglers took home an appropriate amount of fish for tonight’s fish fry and grilled redfish. We encourage, but do not require, Redfish University anglers to release all big speckled trout and upper slot redfish so many quality fish were release including 5 or 6 trout in the 4-5# range, the big monster 7# trout and some upper slot(26-27″) redfish. Packed until London departure next Wednesday and full for the rest of August. Five days(on purpose) off in 35 days and no relief in sight. Can’t complain!! Thanks Redfish University anglers! E...

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30+ Redfish, Big Flounder and Speckled trout in Mobile Bay at Redfish University-October 27, 2010

You gotta love this time of year! Pre-cold front conditions can be outstanding for shallow water fishing as redfish, trout and flounder are predictably rabid one or two days before a major front. Today was no exception! The redfish were biting extremely well and we hit it on a superb tide. Guided Mr. Rick Olsen and Mr. Rob Roberts this morning in Mobile Bay/Orange Beach for some spectacular inshore redfish, trout and flounder action. Rick and Rob are seasoned offshore anglers but wanted to tighten up on some inshore techniques and prime locations where they can utilized Rick’s 22 Pathfinder. Made a pretty lengthy run and got started around 630am. Lots and lots of redfish were taken on Johnson Gold Spoons, Marsh Works Bayou Thumper spinnerbaits and Gulp! 3″ Shrimp in lime tiger under Marsh Works Big Poppys. The guys got to experience how effective corks are for locating fish. A few doubles and even a triple hookup today! We even got some huge flounder in the mix as well as some small speckled trout. Total for the day was over 30 Redfish in the 3-6# range, lots of trout and a few big flounder. The fellas kept some redfish and flounder for dinner. Rick and Rob are set for inshore fishing!! Book now to experience Redfish University! Please click an image to enlarge and view...

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Awesome morning of Redfish, Speckled Trout and more at Redfish University-September 17, 2010

Another full week of guiding trips has come to an end and I’m ready for another quiet weekend! Guided Lloyd and Malanae Taylor this morning for some redfish and trout action. The plan was to catch a bunch of fish to be prepared at Aegean Breeze this evening. Started at first-light with some topwater action and really got into some nice trout. Switch over to some sub-surface baits and they produced even more. Malanae was the big winner with the trout and even found a big lost Spanish mackerel in the mix.  Travelled a short distance to find some big redfish on a flat and Malanae stuck the first monster and it was game on. She got the 17# fish to the boat with a huge grin on her face. Caught a few more redfish and took off to get some redfish to eat. We quickly found plenty of redfish to take Johnson Gold Spoons sight fished and blindcast. These fish are very easy to catch when you see them as it seems they receive zero pressure and are very comfortable. Most fish released and some will be blackened and Aegean-style over at Aegean Breeze this evening. Book now to experience Redfish University! E Holstman Please click an image to enlarge and view...

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Great morning of Redfish, Trout and Flounder at Redfish University-September 15, 2010

Guided long-time client and one of my favorite anglers to fish with, Mr. Bob Willice, this morning. Hit the water very early and actually had about 15 minutes to wait once we arrived at our area due to darkness and one small rain shower. Started launching topwaters at first light and produced quite a few speckled trout of all sizes. We had some big redfish blowups but no hookups. That’s okay, we knew what to do! Found the large schools of mullet and bait and began to stick very good quality redfish in the 23-27″ range. Great looking orange, fat fish. Very slow-rolled 1/4oz. Johnson Gold Spoons were the bait of choice with all the loose grass on the surface and they performed nicely. Took off and fished some sand and grass mix to grab some more quality redfish. They were pretty aggressive all morning. Total: 15 great Redfish(23-27″), lots of trout, a grouper and a flounder. All fish released including the two beasts in the livewell back at the ramp. Please click an image to enlarge and view...

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