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Great instructional fishing at Redfish University

Pensacola Fishing Charters at Redfish University. We performed three instructional Redfish University fishing trips on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. All were a huge success with lots of the redfish and speckled trout caught and even more information learned. We’re still finding plenty of quality redfish and speckled trout in the middle to lower bays in shallow water especially during the middle part of the day and in very sunny conditions. With the other charter fishers taking the Winter off and the lack of knowledgable boat traffic during the week, it’s fantastic to be unmolested nor viewed from afar in some very productive areas for our instructional trips. Don’t forget about Redfish University’s 9th straight year of inshore presentations Bass Pro Shops in Destin, FL covering a wide variety of redfish, speckled trout, bull redfish, flounder and more. Also, we are slated for three Skeeter Experience events in the Spring where we will also offer the fantastic Redfish University inshore seminars. We won’t forget the fish whistles!! We’ll leave for Atlanta tomorrow for the Mark Carroll and Friends Toy Drive where we are a major sponsor and then return on Sunday for another fully booked week of Redfish University instructional fishing trips with one entertaining bull redfish in the schedule. Thanks again, E...

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Another great week at Redfish University

Pensacola Fishing Charters at Redfish University. It was another great week of instructional and bull redfish trips at Redfish University. We’re following the same schedule with morning trips for the bull redfish and then hitting the inner bays on the afternoon rising tides. The speckled trout and redfish have been plentiful in a variety of areas and our instructional clients have been treated to some excellent numbers of both species. On our favorite trip of the week, I was accompanied by a father and his two young sons. The trio wanted to learn everything there was to learn about inshore fishing for speckled trout and redfish(in a 4.5 hour period.) They were treated to the best inshore fishing instruction on the Gulf Coast. Casting, bait retrieval, hook setting, proper fighting techniques, netting and proper handling and release. This is instruction that all Redfish University clients are offered but the enthusiasm and excitement of these young anglers made it that much more special. Our other clients this week were local residents and just needed some locational instruction and small bits of proper technique. Needless to say, they’ll now be fine on their own. The bull redfish trips were just the usual cast and pull but fun nonetheless for our anglers that just want some easy thrills. This morning’s trip was difficult with high winds and lightly dressed clients. Caught a few in an hour’s time but just rescheduled them in the near future. Throughout the year, Redfish University donates fishing trips to various charities and organizations. One of our favorite is the Mark Carroll and Friends Toy Drive. We are looking forward to attending this great event next Thursday evening in downtown Atlanta. We will again take the weekend off and leave it to the circus clowns. We’ll pick it up again next Monday thru Wednesday and then fly into Atlanta just in time for the Toy Drive event. Once again, for anglers interested in improving their angling skills, teach the kids or you’re new to inshore saltwater fishing, Redfish University in the only credible inshore instructional guiding service on the entire Gulf Coast. Experience what thousands of anglers have...

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Pensacola Fishing Charters at Redfish University

Pensacola Fishing Charters at Redfish University. A very busy week here at Redfish University  and just finished up three trips in two days. Yesterday morning’s fog made for an interesting trip with inexperienced boaters(some charter-fishers) racing at unsafe speeds through the thick fog without proper navigational lighting. Instead of jeopardizing our safety with the unqualified, we caught a few bull redfish and then went speckled trout fishing. We fould plenty of quality speckled trout in the 15-20″ range on Berkley Gulp! Jerkshads in camo. Today, we started early with the speckled trout and redfish in the bay system and found plenty of fish in various areas. A safe guess would be 40-50 speckled trout and a handful of redfish in shallow water. Pre front conditions and overcast skies made it simple. This afternoon, we returned to the open bays for the bull redfish and found plenty for our catch and release clients. As always, research your “professional” fishing guide’s qualifications, credentials and biography in any fishing destination. It can be the difference in a below average experience and an amazing experience. Anyone can get a captains license. Taking the weekend off! Thanks, E...

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Bull redfish in the mornings, trout/redfish/flounder in the afternoons at Redfish University.

Pensacola Fishing Charters at Redfish University. We’ve been extremely busy at Redfish University over the past few weeks with no end in sight. Two-a-day bookings have become the norm and a popular use of the morning and afternoon tides. Our days have been consisting of easy bull redfish trips in the mornings and then some outstanding speckled trout, redfish and flounder guided trips for our more experienced anglers in the afternoons. For anglers interested in pulling on large redfish for catch and release action, these are very simple trips for guide and angler resulting in huge amounts of bull redfish in the 10-30# range on a variety of baits, locations and techniques with most anglers really enjoying the shallow water sight fishing. Its also very amusing to watch the pure inexperience of local charter captains in full view as they race from school to school at 50mph and we’re all glad they stay with their specialty… their only specialty– bull redfish. In the afternoons, particularly on a rising tide, the speckled trout, redfish and flounder fishing in the east has been incredible. Topwater Sebiles, Gulp! Jerkshads and Johnson Gold Spoons are doing the damage. Lots of catch and release clients in the past several weeks but limits of speckled trout and redfish are guaranteed for anglers who may want to keep some fish. Thanks again, E...

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Pensacola Fishing Charters at Redfish University-Dec. 6-14, 2012

Redfish University Dec. 6-10, 2012–The instructional marvel of Redfish University continues to shine!! Most guide companies are somewhat steady in the Summer months but the off-season means a huge demand for Redfish University’s reputation with sometimes difficult conditions and the masses of local and traveling anglers searching for real guidance and instruction from an experienced, knowledgable and proven guide service. This has translated into extremely busy Fall/Winter seasons for our company since it’s creation. Lots of Pensacola Fishing Charter trips and great fishing at Redfish University. Five trips in the last fours and took Sunday off. Last Thursday and Friday’s instructional trips were outstanding with an enormous amount of speckled trout and redfish hitting the deck. Saturday’s double-header consisted of a pure fish-catching charter in the morning and another excellent Redfish University instructional trip in the afternoon. Our clients learn the best techniques in inshore fishing as well as catch big numbers of speckled trout and redfish. Yesterday’s instruction/catching charter was another awesome day of both species as well as some large redfish near the end of the trip. Berkley Gulp! Jerkshads, Johnson 1/4oz. Gold Spoons, Gulp! Sand Eels and Sebile Bongas were on the menu for all four days. An average Redfish University trip will yield 40-60 speckled trout from 14-23″, 10-20 redfish between 16-40″ with most in the 22-26″ range as well as some bonus flounder and many stripers in the next few months. Some catch and release but many hit the cooler. Stay tuned for this afternoon’s and tomorrow’s report in some of the most brutal conditions of the Winter thus far. We’re gonna produce some tremendous numbers of fish after a 30 degree temperature drop, 20 mph winds and rain. Thanks, E...

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    These are the incredible companies that have made me so successful in professional tournament fishing and provide my clients at Redfish University with the world's best and latest in saltwater fishing gear. Please visit Eric Holstman's Pro Staff pages on all sponsor websites.

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