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Pretty grim day at Redfish University-November 5, 2009

Guided my friend John this morning over in Blackwater and East Bay. John is an accomplished billfish angler and quite an inshore angler as well. Well, I guess it’s bound to happen every once in a while. Today was the second worst Redfish University trip on the year. On trips, I like to fish as well to demonstrate retrieval techniques and to help locate fish. This was the first trip ever where I didn’t catch a single redfish!! We covered some normally very productive areas and started out with two quality trout. John, who caught all the redfish, followed with two very small redfish. From there, it was all downhill. Ended up traveling way south where John scratched up a few more small redfish and an undersized trout. Then he completed his Grand Slam with a decent flounder. Headed back north to cover some areas at dead-low tide and saw some average-sized redfish on muddy bottom where we had already thrown at five or six times. John stuck the biggest redfish of the day(around 23-24″) and it spit the hook at the boat. That is the way the morning went!  The highlights of the day were: 1. A pretty pathetic Grand Slam. 2. Seeing a bald eagle grabbing mullet. 3. John being an absolute pleasure to fish with. All fish caught on Gulp! 5″ Jerkshads in camo rigged with Marsh Works 1/4 Bull Red jigheads with rattle inserts. Although John and I caught some fish as guaranteed, it really was a disappointing day. I invited John on a make-up, prefishing trip with me next week in either Panama City or here locally. Please pick Panama City, John!! Look for the next report to be off the hook! I remembered my camera this time but nothing exciting to photograph except the bald...

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Quick trip after cancellation-October 29, 2009

Had an emergency cancellation this morning at Redfish University, so I decided since I was already there, I’d might as well go fishing. My clients didn’t miss much and will be pleased that the fishing will be much better next week. Covered some water for a few hours and caught some decent fish but I really had to work for them. The fish were there(I know this because I could see them, smell them and see the puffs) but perhaps the neap tide had some influence on them although I never worry about fishing on neap tides. As demonstrated today, they will bite, you just have to make them bite. Ended up with 4 Redfish, some trout and another small striper all released and caught in a two hour period. All caught on Gulp! 3″ Shrimp rigged weedless with a rattle insert. Very, very, very, very slow taps, then almost...

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Redfish University welcomes Marsh Works-October 27, 2009

Redfish University would like to proudly welcome Marsh Works to it’s arsenal and commitment to providing it’s clients with the best saltwater experience imaginable. The long and frustrating search is over for quality jigheads, spinnerbaits and popping corks. Marsh Works products are the absolute best I have used and my clients continue to be incredibly impressed by their quality and durability. The Marsh Works Bull Red jigheads are ideal for my favorite Gulp! 5″ Jerkshads and Gulp! 4″ Shrimp. The longer hook shaft really makes the difference and produces an unparalleled hook-up ration. The Marsh Works Big Poppy and Buzz Pop Corks are awesome for locating and attracting redfish and trout in all conditions and the Marsh Works spinnerbaits are the most well constructed and durable baits I’ve ever seen! Please checkout and try Marsh Works for yourself. Don’t just settle for “good enough” when Marsh Works offers the best available!! Please click on a photo to...

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Berkley/Penn Tour-Oct. 22, 2009

On Tuesday and Wednesday, the Berkley/Penn Tour visited Destin, FL. and Panama City, FL. Pure Fishing representatives, Scott Dubiel and Kevin Benton, as well as Berkley Pros Bryan and Greg Watts, myself and Penn Pro George Mitchell were all in attendence. We were able to introduce tackle store employees and customers to Pure Fishing/Berkley/Penn new products for 2o1o. Lots of new Berkley Gulp! baits, Penn reels, Powerbaits, Superlines and rods are sure to take the fishing industry by storm. Pure Fishing has recently taken over Penn Reels, AllStar rods, Shakespeare, X-Tools and well as other companies in the industry. Keep an eye out for all the awesome new products in 2010!! Please click on a photo to...

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Windy and dirty but success at Redfish U.-October 22, 2009

Guided Mr. and Mrs. Barry James this morning and we were met with EXTREMELY windy and dirty water conditions. Rattle inserts and boat positioning were the name of the game in these very difficult, but not impossible, conditions. Started out with some nice legal trout(12-15) on some dropoffs and then targeted some redfish on some shallow water flats.  Since we were fishing in whitecap conditions, the Power-Pole really came in handy as we methodically covered water that is known to hold redfish in any situation. Ended up sticking 10-12 small fish and kept one nice fish for the grill. All fish caught on Gulp! Jerkshads in camo with rattle inserts rigged with 1/4oz. Marsh Works Bull Red jigheads. 10# Ultracast InvisiBraid performs incredibly, especially in these conditions. Sensitivity and zero wind-knots!! Please click on photos to...

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